Inuyasha, the titular character in his anime, is a half-demon half-human creature in feudal Japan. Obviously, this heritage leads to a complicated and relatively dysfunctional family tree. Throughout the show, the audience is introduced to various members of Inuyasha's family, living, dead, and impersonated. Each encounter reveals just a bit more about our protagonist but an overarching understanding can be hard to come by.
Staged in a feudal Japan that is plagued by demons and magic, Inuyasha must team up with Kagome, a modern-day reincarnation of his love Kikyo, in order to collect the fragments of a sacred gem that has been shattered. Inuyasha begins this journey wanting nothing more than to use this gem to attain full demon status and shed his human heritage. However, he and Kagome both learn that it is his unique ancestry that allows him to be as powerful as he already is.
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Inuyasha is the son of the greater demon Toga and the human woman Izayoi. He was born shortly before the demise of his father and was therefore raised by his mother. Unfortunately for Inuyasha, she died while he was still young, but Inuyasha still credits/blames her for his affection for humans.
Toga was also known as the Lord of the Western lands and a great yokai. He was a massively large dog demon who was known to kill 100 in a single blow. He had two great swords forged as gifts for his two sons from his fangs. Each of these swords was granted special powers tailored to his children. He was mortally wounded in battle but managed to save his mortal lover Izayoi and newborn child, who he named Inuyasha.
Izayoi was known as a great beauty among mortals. This is presumably what attracted Toga in the first