The CW has released a poster for its rebooted Charmed season 4. The show, which first premiered in 2018, centers around three witch sisters and follows their adventures fighting against the evil forces surrounding them. While Charmed season 3 ended on quite the cliffhanger last July, season 4 finally premieres on March 11 and appears to promise even more impressive characters, dramatic magical battles, and addicting twists and turns that have made the reboot so successful.
A reimagining of WB's Charmed series, which originally aired from 1998 to 2006, The CW's versionfollows sisters Macy (Madeleine Mantoc), Mel (Melanie Diaz), and Maggie (Sarah Jeffrey) who discover that they are the «Charmed Ones,» a witchcraft sisterhood chosen to protect innocents of the world from forces of demonic evil. Each sister possesses their own specific powers: Macy is telekinetic, Mel possesses the power of temporal stasis, and Maggie is telepathic. A stoke of tragedy at the end of Charmed season 3 left Mel and Maggie without their sister, and fans gravely wondering about the fate of the beloved characters and of the mystical «Power of Three.» However, actress Lucy Barrett was recently announced to be playing a new witch in Charmed season 4, once again completing the trio, while her specific history and character details are yet to be revealed.
Related: Mermaids: Charmed's Planned Spinoff Explained (& Why It Was Cancelled)
Now, a new poster release by The CW (via for Charmed season 4 unites the «Power of Three» once again. The new posters shows Mel, Maggie, and the mysterious new Charmed One. Each woman piercingly gazes in different directions as beams of mystical light surround them and illuminate the ominously dark