The horror genre in gaming has evolved steadily over the last few decades. Beginning with text-based games, evolving into rudimentary 3D adventures like Alone in the Dark, and then evolving into big-budget, technically-astounding games like Resident Evil and Silent Hill, the horror genre continues to grow year after year. But every so often, a bold new horror experience slips through the cracks, and the Condemned series is certainly an example of that.
Releasing in 2005 and 2008 respectively, the two Condemned games were first-person horror titles that became instant cult classics. Heavily inspired by gritty, groundbreaking horror movies like Saw, Seven, and Silence of the Lambs, the Condemned series put an emphasis on gore, tension, and realistic horror. With a perfectly horrifying visual style and some truly unique mechanics, the Condemned series still holds up today, although a remaster of both games wouldn't hurt.
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The first game in the series, Condemned: Criminal Origins, released in 2005 for the Xbox 360, and a year later for PC. Developed by Monolith, the studio now best known for its Middle Earth: Shadow games, Condemned: Criminal Origins puts players in the boots of Ethan Thomas, a CSI agent that's tasked with hunting down a man known as Serial Killer X, who's framed him for murder. This job will see Ethan venture into a series of «condemned» apartment blocks, where violence is waiting round every corner.
The real draw of Condemned: Criminal Origins is its realism and visceral nature. From a technical perspective, Condemned: Criminal Origins captures its suspenseful atmosphere perfectly, with realistic lighting systems forcing the player to actually use their flashlight