Among the roster of familiar faces from the Super Mario franchise, Princess Peach has seemingly been overlooked following Super Princess Peach. Originally launched in 2005 for the DS, many fans seem to forget how influential Super Princess Peach was across the Super Mario series in the years following its release, ranging from inspiring parts of Peach's moveset in the Super Smash Bros. series to being included in sports game spin-offs such as Mario Super Sluggers or Mario Sports Mix.
Despite receiving a generally favorable reception, Nintendo didn't seem keen to continue a series centered around Peach. While Luigi is now easily recognized for his days moonlighting as a ghostbuster and Yoshi embarks on his own adventures, a sequel to Super Princess Peach is long overdue. As some players entertain the possibility of the original Super Princes Peach being remastered for the Switch, others are asking for Nintendo to revisit its iconic princess and provide her another chance to be the heroine of her own story.
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Like many Super Mario games, the premise behind Super Princess Peach is fairly straightforward: Bowser, in pursuit of power, has found a legendary weapon that he's used to capture and imprison Mario, Luigi, and the Toads. As Peach as avoided this fate, it is up to her to save them and her kingdom from Bowser's rule. What makes Super Princess Peach unique among other games of the franchise is its mechanics utilizing emotions thanks to the Vibe Scepter.
While other denizens of the Mushroom Kingdom have fallen victim to Bowser and his underlings running amok with the Vibe Scepter, Peach can channel and utilize her heightened emotions for her own benefit. This