In the world of Dragon Ball, Goku’s enemy turned rival turned friend, Vegeta is a popular character who matches Goku in strength and skill. And now an epic piece of fanart shows Vegeta’s Super Saiyan God and Majin forms combine in a way that fans need to see!
A form of Vegeta's that unlocked even greater amounts of his power while giving him back some of his more nefarious tendencies, Vegeta’s Majin transformation was first seen during the final major story arc of Dragon Ball Z, the Majin Buu Saga, after the wizard Babidi played into Vegeta’s weaknesses so he could bring him under his thrall. Far from the last transformation that Vegeta has had since, his Super Saiyan God transformation ups his power to higher heights, acting as a stepping stone to Vegeta’s even more powerful Super Saiyan Blue and recent Ultra Ego forms.
Related: Goku's Super Saiyan Blue & Super Saiyan 4 Forms Combine in Epic Fan Art
Recently uploaded on Instagram by username @gwartdesigns, this account is one that consistently posts art that would make any Dragon Ball fan proud. Taking a crack at other popular properties like Naruto and One Piece, @gwartdesigns has also dabbled in drawing characters from both Marvel and DC Comics while also giving fans some unique black light paintings of other franchises that fit their artistic style well.
A post shared by Cris (@gwartdesigns)
Choosing Vegeta as his subject after sharing a similar piece of art depicting Goku’s Super Saiyan Blue and Super Saiyan 4 transformations, @gwartdesigns successfully mashes up Vegeta’s Super Saiyan God and Majin variations to great effect. Painting Vegeta’s yellow-haired Majin form on the left side of the image, @gwartdesigns brings a more villainous bent to Vegeta’s look,