One strange detail from could have a multitude of implications for the franchise. is known for its wacky but innovative science explored across the games. These creations often remain in the realm of possibility, but push the boundaries of what an advanced scientific nation could come up with. The 1950s theme that the franchise follows also helps to ground the advanced science into a world built around it.
Though 's history and lore are the standouts from the entry, the disembodied brains present prove to be an underrated feature. These brains are kept alive through the franchise's technology and are shown to be capable of moving from body to body. The exact methods are never fully explained, but it is shown that as long as the brain is kept healthy, this process can be repeated forever. In that regard, assumptions can also be made that parts of these technologies help keep brains from degrading due to age.
In the questline of the popular DLC, the player is transported to an old lab of pre-war scientists that removes their brain. These scientists are also brains living in machines looking to extend their lives and practices. The Courier is tasked with chasing after the antagonist of the DLC, Dr. Morbius, to get their brain back. However, it is eventually revealed that these scientists are kept at bay by Dr. Morbius to prevent them from escaping into the Mojave.
Thesedisembodied brains have been one of the universe's methods of immortality, but have their flaws. The only method that works that has been seen so far, is the brains living in machines. This can be seen in the quest "," where the player is tasked with finding a new brain for a cyberdog, Rex. However, this situation is a bit different, since Rex's brain has changed.
In the DLC itself,the courier can move due to what the scientists claim to be tesla coils accepting signals from the brain. Though this may be a bit of a scientific stretch, clearly something is allowing the body to move without the brain's