Debuting in 2007, the STALKER series sees players venture into the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone, which has become a land filled with various chemical hazards, mutants, otherworldly anomalies, and precious artifacts. Though the Zone is extremely dangerous, there are a handful of factions in the surrounding area that make routine expeditions into the Zone, with some even taking up residence there full-time, braving the conditions for a glimpse of glory. But, where there's power to be gained, there's an inevitable power struggle, and STALKER 2's Clear Sky and Renegade factions are just two examples of groups looking to seize control.
While one faction wants to research the Zone by any means necessary, the other has no common goal, only seeking to raid the Zone for anything and everything that's valuable. While the two groups may seem opposed to one another, they're more alike than they first appear to be, both willing to kill and torture to gain what they want.
STALKER 2 Video Shows the Game’s Opening Sequence
In 1986, the Chornobyl nuclear power plant suffered a horrific accident, officially killing 31 people and likely causing the death of hundreds more via radiation poisoning. In STALKER, in the year 2006, another disaster occurs at Chornobyl, this time mutating all life inside its 60km wide radius. The government decided to set up an Exclusion Zone around the disaster site in an attempt to keep people away from the horrors inside. But that only served to encourage those bold enough to seek their fortune, believing that otherworldly treasures could be found inside.
STALKER's Clear Sky faction isn't interested in shiny trinkets, instead this group aims to research the Zone in its entirety, and find a way to fix the fracture in