Enjoying Plunderstorm and looking for something to do beyond unlocking all rewards at Renown 40? You can grind for Plunderkind, a secret Feat of Strength that requires you to collect 1 million Plunder!
This Feat of Strength has no reward besides the achievement itself, similar to Plunder Wonder, so if you're looking for the collectibles, you won't miss out on anything by not achieving it.
The final reward for Plunderstorm unlocks at Renown 40, which requires 100,000 Plunder.
Completing this Feat of Strength is equivalent to reaching Renown 400!
You can check your total Plunder acquired by looking at the Plunderstorm lobby screen or can check the current progress by running the following macro: (Thanks Matjz for posting it)
/run local _,_,_,a,b=GetAchievementCriteriaInfo(20509,1)local c=BreakUpLargeNumbers print(GetAchievementLink(20509),c(a),«of»,c(b),C_CurrencyInfo.GetCurrencyLink(2922))