Russian Doll is a series centered around a woman learning how to respond to unusual circumstances occurring in her life. In season one, that involved being stuck in a time loop, dying and returning to the same party over and over again. The pandemic added an unexpected layer of time to this perpetual loop by extending the period between the first season and the second season that is yet to come.
Having been released by Netflix three years ago now, many fans of the show have, themselves, felt stuck in time as they wait for season two. This period of time spent waiting has given viewers plenty of time to consider what might, or should, happen in the new season. As a result, now that the second season finally has a release date, fans are eagerly anticipating to see if their theories are correct.
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Many have described Russian Doll as the Groundhog Day of our time: both stories surround characters caught in time loops trying to figure their way out. Russian Doll examines the structure of time and how altering that can create unanticipated opportunities for the character, while also applying the mindset and voice of a woman that counteracts the patriarchal view of what women should be. As a result, the series has appealed to a broad audience of both sci-fi lovers and those seeking out shows with more diverse perspectives.
Along with the unique and interesting storyline, the acting style of Natasha Lyonne, who plays the main character, Nadia, really ties the tone of the series together. These elements combined made the show considerably successful among viewers, even with currently only one season out. Having waited long enough, fans are ready for the next chapter in the story