During a recent talk show appearance, Academy Award-nominated director Quentin Tarantino called The Hunger Games franchise a ripoff of Battle Royale. The director is responsible for many acclaimed films, such as Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs, Django Unchained, and Once Upon A Time In Hollywood. Tarantino has stated that he intends to retire following his tenth feature film.
Beginning his filmmaking career with the 1992 crime thriller Reservoir Dogs, Tarantino has quickly carved out his place in the history of modern Hollywood. Known for his distinct and unique nonlinear story structures, as well as his use of graphic violence, the director has told stories ranging from contemporary crime dramas, secretive elite assignments in World War II, tales of revenge across the Wild West, and the darker sides of 1960s Los Angeles. While the director has maintained his distinct style across his filmography, Tarantino revealed that he will retire following his tenth film in 2016 prior to the release of Once Upon A Time In Hollywood, his ninth film. While he is one feature away from retirement, Tarantino is sure to remain a film connoisseur and continue to share his opinions on the movie landscape, as he did in a recent interview.
Related: Every Actor Who Must Return For Quentin Tarantino's 10th & Last Movie
During a guest appearance on The Jimmy Kimmel Show, Tarantino was asked by guest-host Dana Carvey which film Tarantino wishes he'd directed himself. After Carvey discussed how Japanese Cinema influenced Tarantino's work, the director revealed he'd wished that he'd directed Kinji Fukasaku's 2001 adaptation of Battle Royale, a film that saw 42 school children left to battle to the death on a deserted island. But before Tarantino
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