Galarian Zapdos is a Fighting and Flying-type Pokémon that serves as one of the three new Legendaries acquired from participating in the Pokémon GO Special Research Quest, "A Mysterious Incense." This quest is a two-part series of Special Research Tasks to encourage Trainers to use the newly introduced Daily Adventure Incense, a special type of Incense that will attract unexpected wild Pokémon for a 15-minute duration as long the player is moving.
After starting the "A Mysterious Incense" Special Research Quest in Pokémon GO, Trainers will receive a free Daily Adventure Incense. This Incense will be automatically added to one's Item Bag once per day at midnight local time. One Daily Adventure Incense can only be used at a time and must be used before the daily reset for the player to be granted another. A beneficial feature of this Incense is providing Trainers with 30 free Poké Balls if they activate the Incense when in possession of 30 or fewer total Poké Balls, Great Balls, or Ultra Balls. As mentioned above, players must always be moving within the AR world for the Incense's effect to work. Unlike normal Incense, Daily Adventure Incense won't work when a Trainer is stationary.
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After activating Daily Adventure Incense in Pokémon GO, Trainers have a slight chance to encounter a wild Galarian Zapdos while moving. As a rare Legendary Encounter, Galarian Zapdos has an extremely low Base Catch Rate and an exceptionally high Flee Rate, meaning that catching this Pokémon will be far from easy.
There is no special method to catch Galarian Zapdos in Pokémon GO other than using the standard Catch Rate modifiers, such as Great or Ultra Balls. Additional