The Pokemon franchise has created hundreds of adorable, creepy, and downright bizarre pocket monsters for gamers to collect over the last 26 years. One of the most well-known Pokemon in history is Magikarp, but this little orange fish isn't always popular for the best reasons. A group of Pokemon fans recently took a look at all of Magikarp's PokeDex entries so far and began discussing why the games are so mean to Magikarp.
Magikarp is also known as the Fish Pokemon and is notorious for being a weak and often downright useless creature. Not only is its move set incredibly limited, but its stats are also quite low. In most of the games Magikarp appears in, its PokeDex entry is quick to point out the creature's perceived failings.
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Redditor theleeman14 shared most of these cutting PokéDex entries and kicked off the discussion by asking other fans if they had insight on why the Pokemon games are so mean to Magikarp. It seems that the main reasoning of many other players is that the Magikarp PokeDex entries belittle it to highlight the strength and ferocity of Magikarp's equally famous evolution Gyarados. Gyarados takes the form of a titanic blue sea serpent and associated lore implies that the beast will often take revenge on those who hurt it as a Magikarp. Through this lens, it makes a degree of narrative sense that the PokeDex would contrast Magikarp's apparent uselessness with Gyarados' frenzied might.
Several other users compared Magikarp to the protagonists of iconic revenge stories like Stephen King's Carrie, with one user stating that Gyarados should be a Psychic-type Pokemon. A second user shared a short parody of the song "Pumped Up Kicks" rewritten to be about a