PlayStation Stars, a rewards program Sony tragically failed to market by licensing the theme song of a certain animated film about an ogre’s swamp, rolls out today in the United States.
First announced in July, PlayStation Stars primarily grants players “digital collectibles,” which caused some observers to raise eyebrows at a slew of prizes that sure sounded a whole lot like NFTs. (Sony swears they’re “not NFTs.”) But long-tail participation in the program can also grant you points for redemption in the PlayStation Store. Here’s everything you need to know.
No, you’re thinking of PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale, a 2012 platform fighter that attempted to fold in Sony’s roster of first-party heroes for a PlayStation-exclusive Smash Bros. clone. By most accounts, the game failed. Terribly.
Despite centering around a dopamine-fueled progression system, PlayStation Stars isn’t a game at all. It’s a free addition to an existing PlayStation account. You’re allotted a set number of tasks, formally called campaigns, which cycle on a rotational basis. Completing campaigns gives you free stuff — like, yes, “digital collectibles” (to reiterate, “not NFTs”). The more campaigns you complete, the more campaigns you can unlock, increasing your overall PlayStation Stars status level.
The program first rolled out across Asia on Sept. 28, hit North and South America on Oct 5., and will expand to Europe, Australia, and New Zealand on Oct. 13.
First, you need to have an account with PlayStation Network, Sony’s online service. (A free account is fine, though members of Sony’s PlayStation Plus subscription will get added benefits.) In the PlayStation App, you’ll see a blue button with a star on it in the top navigation bar. Click on that,