Initially, Persona was a spin-off series from the main Shin Megami Tensei games. Although Shin Megami Tensei started it all, the Persona series has consistently outsold its predecessor since 1996. The games followed the general premise of the main series, focusing on groups of students who utilize Personas for combat. While many might say Persona 4 is the best game of the series, Persona 5 elevated the series' popularity to new heights.
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Persona 5 launched in 2016 for the PlayStation 4 and followed a high school student who went by the nickname Joker. After being sent from his hometown for trying to save a woman from being assaulted, Joker befriends other outcasts in Tokyo, and together, the group fight against tyranny to change the world as the Phantom Thieves. Similar to other Persona games, Persona 5 contains multiple endings, but only one of them can be deemed the True Ending.
As you'd expect, there are heavy spoilers for Persona 5 below.
In total, there are five possible endings you can achieve in Persona 5. Of the five, three of them are considered “bad,” one is considered “good,” and then there's the true canonical ending. From the get-go, you can unlock one of the bad endings by refusing to agree to Igor’s contract in the Velvet Room. You have to commit to Igor’s contract or there’s no way to play the rest of the game.
Throughout the game, the Phantom Thieves will attempt to change the hearts of corrupted, evil adults that seek personal gain. These people will manipulate, hurt, and even kill, in order to achieve their goals. To successfully change their hearts, Joker and his friends must infiltrate their target’s Palace in the Metaverse to steal their treasure. If