King Viego, Zenith Games Blitzcrank, Zenith Games Jayce, and Zenith Games Lee Sin will be available September 9, 2022.
Champions AhriBase health decreased. Charm duration decreased early.
Ahri has been charming pros across the globe with her safe playstyle and strong ability to set up plays. We're bringing these strengths down just a tad so that playing into Ahri isn't such a tail order and that players can’t just rely on her charm as a singular strength. E — Charm Charm Duration 1.4/1.55/1.7/1.85/2 seconds ⇒ 1.2/1.4/1.6/1.8/2 seconds AzirW AP scaling decreased, cooldown increased early. E cooldown increased.
The Emperor of the Sands can quickly become the Emperor of the Mid Lane in Pro play when he's too powerful. We're reducing the safety of his laning phase and bringing down his late game scaling so that he maintains his identity as a hyper scaler, but without scaling too hard. W — Arise! Sand Soldier Damage 50-150 (based on Read more on