Although the 90 Day Fiancé franchise revolves around tumultuous relationships, while Americans search for love beyond the borders of the country, some of their parents were criticized more than the co-stars. The original premise of the show was to follow couples in America who had 90 days to marry with their K-1 visa. However, the show quickly expanded to include over 16 spin-offs dedicated to each stage of the couples' lives and became the leading reality TV show.
After being on air for over eight years, fans have been acquainted with their fair share of relationships. Some couples appeared to be more genuine, such as season 1 couple Russ and Paola Mayfield. The couple may have had their trials and tribulations, but are still together today. Other couples seemed to be less authentic, like 90 Day Fiancé's Danielle and Mohamed Jbali. Despite the many vivid red flags concerning Mohamed's reluctance to be with Danielle, the two married. Alas, they had a nasty separation in less than a year.
Related: 90 Day Fiancé: Why Debbie Johnson Isn't Really A Monster-In-Law
On the other hand, there were some couples who didn't receive all the attention, but their parents did. Parents and other family members may not be the stars of the show, but they are an important part of the franchise. Some parents, like Jovi Dufren's mother Gwen Dufren, were awarded the franchise MVP for their dedication and love to their in-laws. However, some parents received more criticism and ultimately stole the spotlight from their children.
Kalani Faagata and Asuelu Pulaa had their troubles upon his arrival in America. However, his mother, Lesina Pulaa, didn't make the situation easier. Lesina shocked Kalani when she expected $1,000 from the struggling