The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles have been a mainstay of popular culture since their cartoon debut in December 1987. Since then, the Ninja Turtles have appeared in a variety of TV shows, live-action movies, and an assortment of video games, with each property varying significantly in quality but keeping the spirit of the franchise alive nonetheless. While every piece of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles media does have its fans, there are certain shows, movies, or games that are universally loved, and there are certain time periods which have seen the best of the franchise, and this year may just be one of them.
For those who have a passion for both gaming and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, then 2022 has already been a pretty excellent one, with the release of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge just a month ago. However, the year is far from over, and TMNT gaming fans have one big project to look forward to, proving that right now is a great time to be a Ninja Turtles fan.
TMNT Games Should Take More Cues from the 2003 Cartoon
Just over a month ago, TMNT fans were treated to the nostalgic thrill ride that was Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge. Developed by Tribute Games, Shredder's Revenge took the essence of the original fan-favorite TMNT arcade games, and pumped it into a modern age 2D beat 'em up. While the beat 'em up genre isn't overly popular nowadays, with Streets of Rage being one of few franchises in the genre to make a comeback, Shredder's Revenge manages to achieve the perfect blend of nostalgia, and modernized controls and mechanics, introducing a progression system that encourages multiple playthroughs.
For Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles fans, Shredder's Revenge was an absolute treat, packed