Nilah's abilities in League of Legends were officially revealed by the developers on June 22, 2022. As such, courtesy of the description of her abilities, it became clear that Nilah will see a certain niche when it comes to her support duo.
Her Passive ability encourages players to pick enchanters like Lulu or Karma for the most optimal synergy. It seems that whenever Nilah's support duo uses heals or shields alongside her, she will grant the additional benefits of the same to both herself as well as her ally in the lane.
Unfortunately, melee supports like Nautilus or Leona do not provide either healing or shielding. In fact, not all enchanter supports do it either, which further reduces the overall support pairing for Nilah.
As mentioned earlier, Nilah's passive skill in League of Legends forces players to go for enchanter supports. This is because Nilah will ensure that both she and her ally get the benefits of any heals or shields that are used near her by the lane-support duo.
This means that playing along engage supports sort of renders Nilah's passive useless, which in turn hampers the overall viability of the champion. If Nilah consistently forces players to do something, then it makes her a burden in solo-queue games and predictable in professional play.
In solo queue, gamers will always look to play what they enjoy. Thus, if there is a Nautilus main who is being forced to play Lulu just because their ADC decided to pick Nilah, it will hamper the experience for the support player in League of Legends.
At the same time, if in professional games Nilah gets picked early, then the opposition team will immediately ban strong enchanters to shut down the botlane completely. Therefore, it will push Nilah down the priority