Although the main franchise is continuing to receive updates after 's last expansion,, the announcement of a new mobile game set in the universe could give fans something else to look forward to. Since the release of the original in 2014, the franchise has received several expansions and one major sequel,, but developer Bungie has announced no plans to develop more games in the franchise.
As of October 14, however, has been announced as a new mobile game set in the universe, with a cinematic trailer and an upcoming closed alpha test starting on November 1. Currently, the mobile title has no set release date, but interested fans can pre-register for the upcoming closed alpha on the official website. The game is being developed and published by NetEase Games (, ), and licensed bydeveloper Bungie.
As a game, 's first previews show that the game is attempting to faithfully adapt the gameplay of to a mobile platform, with the ability to swap between first-person and third-person perspectives, 6-player co-op missions, PVE and PVP game modes, and more casual or group-oriented social elements. Where seems to differ from the main games, however, is in its playable characters, as will allow players to choose from various characters alongside the game's customizable main protagonist, «Wolf».
After ending one saga, Bungie has detailed what to expect from Destiny 2 as it continues into 2025, braves new frontiers, and begins a new saga.
Additionally,the game's gear system is a somewhat stripped-down version of 's, giving players two slots for weapons (one Primary and one Power) and one slot for a Relic, with each character having different equipable weapon types, and Relics influencing a character's abilities. Additionally, will include multiple new PVE and PVP game modes on top of the standard modes already present in the main games.
Of course, with both and being exclusive to non-portable consoles and PC, a mobile game could fill an in-demand niche for the franchise, allowing