A Narutofan creates and demonstrates an impressive fireball gadget, bringing the Jutsu powers of Narutoto real life. Originally a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Masashi Kishimoto and published from 1997 to 2014 over seventy-two weekly volumes, the series was adapted for television in 2002, running until 2007. That same year, the sequel, Naruto: Shippuden,premiered and aired for ten years, coming to an end in 2017. The series follows a young ninja named Naruto Uzumaki, who is ostracized by his village because the sinister Nine-Tailed Demon Fox is locked away in his body. Despite this, Naruto is determined to become the village’s leader, the Hokage, and gain the respect of his peers.
On his quest for greatness, Naruto learns different kinds of Jutsu, the mystical abilities ninjas are able to utilize in combat. To perform a Jutsu technique, the ninja must release their chakra by forming a variety of hand signs which manifest unique effects. One of the many types of Jutsu ninja are able to employ is Fire Release, also referred to as Fire Style, through which the user breaths a powerful stream of flames from their mouth. Fire Style is arguably one of the most visually impressive Jutsu in Naruto, so it follows that fans are eager to see it represented in real life, however possible.
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One fan does just that by creating their own Fire Release Jutsu gadget and posting a video of it in use on Reddit. The video features the item’s creator wearing a red hoodie and completing the Naruto hand signs that manifest the Fire Style Jutsu. It then cuts to a clip of the fan holding a small gadget in his hands that releases a large burst of flame when he
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