My Neighbor Totoro meets the characters of Monsters Inc. in an adorable piece of crossover art between the fan-favorite animated films. The 1988 Studio Ghibli film revolved around sisters Satsuki and Mei moving to a rural area of postwar Japan with their professor father and befriend the various spirits of the nearby woods. Written and directed by Ghibli co-founder Hayao Miyazaki, My Neighbor Totoro is considered one of the studio's best releases, having scored rave reviews at the time of its release and garnering a cult following since with the title character also serving as the mascot for the studio.
Monsters Inc. marked Pixar's third original project after A Bug's Life and the first two Toy Story movies and was set in a world in which monsters traveled through dimensional doorways to terrorize children to power their world, only for the two best performers to learn of a dark secret behind the company. Led by John Goodman and Billy Crystal, the film continued Pixar's success streak with over $577 million grossed at the box office and two Oscar nominations, winning for Best Original Song though losing Best Animated Feature to Shrek. The film's success would in turn lead to the 2013 prequel Monsters University, which was a bigger box office smash albeit slightly lower reviews, and the Disney+ sequel series Monsters at Work.
Related: Every Studio Ghibli Movie, Ranked Worst To Best
In honor of the month of May, the official Studio Ghibli Twitter account has once again shared an adorable piece of crossover art for My Neighbor Totoro and Monsters Inc. Unlike last year, the studio paired the image with a follow-up post revealing that the art was a gift from Pixar with various messages from the Disney animation studio's staff