The 5th season of My Hero Academia’s anime adaptation aired in 2021, introducing anime watchers to some of the most exciting moments from the manga’s ongoing story. All adaptations must make changes though, so were there any story beats that anime-only watchers end up missing out on?
After the first season of the anime made a big splash in 2016, My Hero Academia has become a juggernaut in the anime community. The anime and manga have both drawn much attention, with the former approaching its 6th season, and the latter entering its final arc. But despite being the same story, the nature of adaptation means that a lot of changes have to be made in the transition from the page to the screen. So before season 6 airs later this year, what big changes were made in season 5?
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After wrapping up Endeavor and Hawk’s jaw dropping fight against the High End at the end of season 4, Season 5 of MHA began with a round of combat matches between Class A and their eternal understudies in Class B. Small changes were made here of course, but the “Joint Training” was the most manga accurate part of this season. The real big changes began when it ended.
In the original manga, the “Joint Training” arc was followed by the “My Villain Academia” arc that saw the story change perspective and focus on the League of Villains in a rare case of a villain training arc of sorts. Afterwards, the story returned to its usual heroic protagonists for the “Endeavour Agency” arc, which saw Deku, Bakugo and Todoroki growing their hero skills under the guidance of the new #1 hero, Endeavor. The plot then led into the story beats with Eraser Head and Present Mic that were shown at the end of the season, which