As was announced in September 2021, the long-running franchise is making a return with. Originally conceived by THQ as a crossover between two franchises focusing on motorsports and ATV racing back in the PlayStation 2 era, has outlived its original publisher and gone on to a healthy second life in the era of THQ Nordic. is releasing on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC on May 24.
lets players tear it up on all manner of motocross bikes and all-terrain vehicles in a deep career campaign. The new Trails Mode sets races on open courses that feature alternate paths and much more freedom than the traditional racetracks of past games. This is likely part of its new “massive new open environments.” Of course, there’s plenty of that packed in as well, available in the single-player modes, two-player splitscreen, and 16-player online races.
Developer Rainbow Studios promise a refined physics system for this go around as well as customization featuring the latest off-road gear from leading manufacturers.