The legendary Lucasarts adventure series Monkey Island returns later this year with the appropriately-named Return to Monkey Island. The announcement was a huge surprise—not least because Gilbert himself had publicly given up on ever making another—and was welcomed by many fans after a long and not-great legacy of mediocre Monkey Islands.
The game is being developed by Gilbert's Terrible Toybox studio in collaboration with Devolver Digital and Lucasfilm Games, and since the announcement trailer Gilbert has been dealing with the reaction. And he's pissed about it.
In a new blog post Gilbert takes off like a rocket, raining fire on those who think they have a better idea of what Monkey Island should be than he does. Part of the issue seems to be an older blog post by Gilbert titled 'If I made another Monkey Island', which is nine years old and comes from a time when he thought he wouldn't.
"[T]hese were not commandments handed down and etched in stone on a giant tablet," writes Gilbert. «They were just random thoughts about a (then very unlikely) new Monkey Island game. None of these are promises or anything I owe anybody.»
Gilbert writes that the «totality» of his idea for another Monkey Island, in the past, was "'Guybrush chases the demon pirate LeChuck to hell and Stan is there.' That's it. That's all it was."
Stan is not a typo for Satan, though I'm sure the game would have made great play of him in the role. Smilin' Stan S. Stanman is a regular in the series, a slimy salesman who's always out to make a quick buck. Gilbert makes the point that, had this game been made at Lucasfilm back in the day, by the time it was done that idea «would have been something completely different and better.»
«And that is exactly what