I have stuck with Marvel’s Avengers through thick and thin. I was hyped for the game before it was released, stayed with the game through its rocky post-launch window, and have returned for weeks on end after every hero release. Even for me, though, the wait between Spider-Man and Jane Foster’s Mighty Thor was rough. That gap between heroes was about seven months, and the only significant updates between then and now have been a couple of missions and some quality of life changes, most of which were in a March update that didn’t work on PS5 for over a day.
Because of this dearth of updates, I eagerly jumped back in when Jane Foster’s Mighty Thor was added on June 28. While I can clearly see how Marvel’s Avengers has improved since September 2020 and still think there is a really fun action game at its core, I can no longer forgive it for failing me as a live service game. Like every update of Marvel’s Avengers, Jane Foster’s addition comes with its own set of problems, and I just don’t have the faith that the developer can turn things around anymore.
Thor is the Marvel’s Avengers character I’ve probably played the least of, which did help make Jane Foster’s Mighty Thor feel a bit fresh to me. Still, there’s no denying that her update feels a bit light compared to previous hero drops, and the sentiment among the player base is that she’s too similar to the version of Thor that’s been available since launch.
The hero update is missing basic features like a training room, loading screen animation, or even more substantial in-game cutscenes that even the controversial Spider-Man update had. This version of Jane Foster was also randomly teleported over from another universe and it doesn’t come with much story content, which
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