Deleted dialogue from 1977’s Star Wars was preserved in Marvel’s comics, reinforcing a connection between Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader. The first film, now known as A New Hope, features a moment where Luke reunites with his childhood friend, Biggs Darklighter, and meets Garven Dreis, his X-Wing squadron leader. Dreis’ words of encouragement to Luke, which originally included a mention of Anakin Skywalker, never fully made it to the film version of A New Hope, but they were included in the Legends-era novelizations and classic Marvel comics, which later Legends-era material further elaborated on.
When Luke and Biggs speak within the Rebellion’s Yavin IV fortress, Garven Dreis interrupts them, questioning Luke’s skill as a novice pilot at first, but quickly assured him that he’ll prove himself (thanks to Biggs’ insistence). The scene wasn’t featured in the initial 1977 theatrical cut of Star Wars, but it was added into the 1997 special edition and all subsequent modified re-releases. What no cut of Star Wars has featured, however, is Dreis’ line about having known Anakin Skywalker.
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Garven Dreis’ original dialogue with Luke revealed that he knew Anakin Skywalker, having seen him fly before. Dreis went on to say that if Luke had half of his father’s skill, the Rebellion would win the coming battle. This additional dialogue was included in the 1976 Star Wars novelization and the fifth issue of Marvel’s Star Wars comics (written by Roy Thomas and illustrated by Steve Leialoha and Glynis Oliver). Further canonizing the connection between Luke’s squad leader and Darth Vader was additional Legends-era material, delving into the specific battle