Among fans of the Dark Souls series, Dark Souls 2 stands as a black sheep, with the player base being fairly divided on the quality of this particular title. However, while the large quantity of bosses in Dark Souls 2 contains a certain lack of quality among the roster as a whole, some encounters like the Looking Glass Knight stand out as some of the best in the series.
The way that the Looking Glass Knight in particular makes its own unique imprint on the series is in the way that it blends normal boss combat with a tough PVP encounter. This wasn't exactly a new concept for the Souls series by the time Darks Souls 2 released, but this specific boss succeeds at the concept in ways that later games like Dark Souls 3 didn't manage to do better.
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To say that the Looking Glass Knight is a PVP boss might give those who have never fought this boss the idea that a player gets control of a powerful enemy whenever someone else attempts to challenge it. While that's not quite the situation, the result is much closer to having a boss on the invading player's side while trying to win a duel against another player. Similarly, it means that not only does the player challenging the Looking Glass Knight have to fight an already difficult boss, but the difficulty is quickly ramped up as an invader brings their own Dark Souls 2 PVP build into the encounter.
For players who enjoy the added challenge of being invaded during the standard areas of the Dark Souls series, this is an incredible opportunity to really test their skills. Not only is there now an enemy on equal footing as the host player, but that enemy also has the backup of the Looking Glass Knight itself, which can easily