Following the success of his A24 live-action/animated film Marcel the Shell with Shoes On, director Dean Fleischer Camp has been tasked with directing Disney's live-action remake of Lilo and Stitch. The remake is only the latest in a long line of Disney remakes of its own classic animated films.
This will be Camp's first live-action film project for a major studio, but his experience in taking wildly ridiculous story elements and translating them into meaningful family stories speaks for itself. Marcel the Shell with Shoes On has made almost $1 million at the box office, while only premiering at 48 locations.
Lilo And Stitch Star Wants More Representation In Disney's Live-Action Remake
While it is unknown at the time whether the new Lilo and Stitch film will be a theatrical release or a Disney Plus exclusive, Deadline reports that Chris Kekaniokalani Bright (Tsuru, writer) has been in negotiations to write the script, with Mike Van Waes (Dear David, writer) writing a previous draft. It was also announced that Dan Lin (Godzilla vs. Kong, producer) and Jonathan Eirich (President of Film for Rideback)are producing, with Ryan Halprin (The Lego Batman Movie, producer) executive producing. The 2002 animated film follows the story of a lonely young girl who finds love and friendship in an alien engineered for destruction, while simultaneously showcasing the bond between sisters and what it means to be a family. The film is considered a Disney classic and grossed about $273 million at the box office. This year, the film turns 20 years old, making it one of the youngest live-action remakes Disney has made. Previous live-action remakes include Lady and the Tramp, The Lion King, and Aladdin.
Camp first entered the directing scene via