Klonoa 2: Lunatea's Veil is the second Klonoa game, and part of the Klonoa Phantasy Reverie Series. In Lunatea's Veil, there are a number of areas which we are going to refer to as "visions". These visions contain two stages and a boss battle. Our primary focus in this guide is to lead you to each collectible found in the first vision.
Related: Klonoa Phantasy Reverie Series: Beginner Tips
Lunatea's Veil parts ways with Door To Phantomile's Phantomilians, but in their place we now have the Momett Doll Bells. There are also the returning Dream Stones and Ngapoko Eggs. Though be warned, the Dream Stones can be a pretty gnarly collectible to chase. Getting all 150 is not for the faint of heart! But worry not, with our guidance, and a little elbow grease, we will help you obtain all the hidden objects scattered throughout the first two stages.
The Sea of Tears is your introductory stage. However, despite it really laying out most of the basics for you, it does make sure to squirrel away a few of the collectibles in hidden areas. You won’t encounter anything too tough here, but this stage does act as a warning of sorts for those looking to gain all the Dream Stones in Lunatea’s Veil. This stage shows that it is going to be more of an ordeal than it was in Door To Phantomile.
The first Momett Doll Bell (1/6) is immediately after you perform your first super jump. It is unmissable. The second Momett Doll Bell (2/6) requires that you take the alternate path in the second area. Continue along until you see two tornado launch pads. Just jump on one and grab the Bell floating above. The third Momett Doll Bell (3/6) is just on the main path. You would have to play this section of the stage blindfolded to miss it.
The next Momett
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