Square Enix recently announced Kingdom Hearts 4, the fourth main installment in the 20-year-old franchise. Since release, Kingdom Hearts has been known as an action-oriented JRPG series that combines the worlds of Disney with those of Final Fantasy games. The two franchises have appeared together through many Kingdom Hearts games, until KH3, in which no Final Fantasy characters appeared in the base game at all.
The trend of including Final Fantasy characters should continue with Kingdom Hearts 4. All the past Kingdom Hearts games include Final Fantasy characters from a small selection of games, FF6-10. While the games and included characters are massively popular, some other Final Fantasy characters should get the spotlight. For instance, Kingdom Hearts 4 can tie into the upcoming Final Fantasy 16, or even hop back to some older games in the series. Either way, Kingdom Hearts 4 should return to using Final Fantasy characters, bringing in figures from a wider variety of games.
Kingdom Hearts Seems to Be Leaving Final Fantasy Characters Behind, but Should It?
Final Fantasy has had a presence in the Kingdom Hearts series since its very first game. In it, multiple characters from Final Fantasy 7 appear, with Cloud serving as the endgame super boss. KH2 includes characters from other entries, like Setzer from Final Fantasy 6, Squall from 8, and Tidus from 10. Despite this, 7 had most attention once again, resulting in an intense boss fight against Sephiroth himself.
It makes sense that Square Enix decided to pull characters from the Final Fantasy games that it did. These games either came out around the same time as the respective Kingdom Hearts games, like 10 or 10-2, or are the games that really caused the series to explode in
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