One Piece is an absolutely massive manga series, spanning well over 1,000 chapters since it first releases in 1997 and spawning a long-running anime series, many movies, merchandise, and more. One Piece does have its fair share of video game tie-ins, but these games are not usually as popular as titles from similarly sized series like Naruto or Dragon Ball.
Naruto and Dragon Ball are well known for their fast-paced fighting games, with Dragon Ball FighterZ currently standing at the top. One Piece fans have been craving a similar game for years, as the series has countless characters with tons of unique fighting abilities, which would undoubtedly make for a great game. While One Piece's fights are great, the true focus of the story is on its sense of adventure in a world that is still full of mysteries 25 years into publication. The most recent game to encapsulate this feeling is the three-year-old One Piece: World Seeker, so fans are due for another.
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One Piece has many video games under its belt, ranging from the 3D fighting game One Piece: Burning Blood, to the One Piece Grand Cruise VR experience. Undoubtedly the most popular of these games is the One Piece: Pirate Warriors series. The Pirate Warriors games are part of the Dynasty Warriors series with a One Piece coat of paint. This results in players choosing one of many characters to wreak havoc on hundreds of enemies across a large map. These games are a treat for One Piece fans, as each character has a unique moveset that is filled with tons of references to the manga. These games are not perfect though, even for the most die-hard One Piece fans, and their problems lie with story.
Out of the four Pirate Warriors games,