Spanning over decades, Resident Evil has managed to become one of the most iconic survival horror franchises in gaming. Although the series has its highs and lows, the series has enjoyed a resurgence in popularity following the release of Resident Evil 7, which returned to the franchise's roots by embracing tense horror elements while innovating by making use of a first-person perspective. During this period, Capcom also released remakes of Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 3, and they were both exceptionally well-received by both fans and critics. Naturally, this has gamers wondering when Capcom will release Resident Evil 4's remake.
For a while, rumors of an upcoming Resident Evil 4 remake have been swirling around, and credible leaks claiming to confirm that the game is in production have heightened anticipation. Despite this, Capcom has yet to acknowledge the existence of the game, and as such, no release date has been announced. However, past leaks do suggest that gamers may be lucky enough to get it in 2022.
Capcom Should Reuse The Ideas From Resident Evil 4's Beta Gameplay
Reputable leakers in the gaming community have claimed that a Resident Evil 4 remake is on the way for a long time. DuskGolem, who is a popular and trusted Resident Evil leaker, claims that the game is internally codenamed «Chainsaw,» and it will likely not be an exclusive title for any console manufacturer. Leaks have also come from the voice actor D.C. Douglas, who has claimed he is Albert Wesker in the upcoming game. To bolster his claim, he shared concept art images of Wesker, but he has since deleted his Twitter account.
Another leak came from Nvidia, when the company suffered a data breach. Information from the company's GeForce Now database