Eurovision has been weird for the past couple of years. I mean, it’s always been weird – it’s Eurovision – but in my opinion it made a mess of how it handled the coronavirus pandemic. If there was any show that could handle a remote production, surely it would be one that has relied on Zoom calls from national celebrities across the continent for decades? Sure, there would be a lot of work in getting the acts to perform via video call as well as the judges, but Eurovision didn’t even try. Instead, it cancelled the 2020 contest.
The same acts who worked so hard to get to the 2020 contest performed in 2021, but due to strict Eurovision rules about entering the same song twice, they could not perform the songs they qualified with the previous year. The fact that the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) could not bend the rules due to the minor extenuating circumstances of a global pandemic meant that we were robbed of seeing Daði Freyr perform Think About Things live on the Eurovision stage. The combination of great vibes, a banging song, and matching jumpers with embroidered pixel art self-portraits would have all but guaranteed Iceland its first Eurovision trophy. I’m not (that) biased, either, he came first in six of the unofficial broadcasts that some countries showed in Eurovision’s stead.
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As it turned out, Daði Freyr did not perform live in 2021 either, because one member of his band Gagnamagnið tested positive for Covid, and despite negative test results for everyone else, they stepped down in solidarity. If one member couldn’t live their dream, none of them would. A video of their rehearsal was shown instead, and their song 10 Years still managed to