Similar to Angewomon, MagnaAngemon is an Ultimate Angel Digimon in Digimon Survive with eight shining, silver wings. A preserver of order and an enforcer of the law, this archangel serves as an overseer of the Digital World while keeping other Angel Digimon in check. Tamers can recognize this digital monster with its large holy sword Excalibur attached to its right arm and its Beam Shield on its left. Additionally, this Digimon in Digimon Survive is said to have a Battle Mode and Priest Mode. When active, Battle Mode causes MagnaAngemon to hold a strict and austere disposition, while Priest Mode has it act more gently like Angewomon's soft personality.
Digimon Survive fans must reach Part 6 of the main storyline to encounter MagnaAngemon in a Free Battle within the Second Island Area. This digital monster will typically appear with other Angel Digimons by its side to accompany it in combat. Once Tamers have entered the battle, they can initiate a dialogue scenario with MagnaAngemon by choosing Foe within the Talk action menu. It is best to do this before any fighting occurs at the start of the battle sequence.
Related: How to Get Angewomon in Digimon Survive
The next step is for Tamers to prove themselves worthy of MagnaAngemon's interest by responding to the archangel with optimal reactions during the conversation. Accordingly, MagnaAngemon in Digimon Survive will either provide a statement or pose a question to the player. Players will also required to talk to MagnaAngemon if they plan on farming Perfect Enlightenment Slabs in Digimon Survive. Then, the protagonist will be given four responses to choose from, with the best reply yielding two points. Earn enough points, and MagnaAngemon will lower its guard, offering to