One Piece Odyssey brings a new adventure from the Straw Hat Pirates for gamers to experience. Taking place on the new island of Waford, the cast of heroes embark on a quest to retrieve their powers by reliving past memories. As such, players will encounter oddities known as Cube Fragments on their travels.
This guide details their function in the game and how to obtain them.
One Piece Odyssey's story centers around the team exploring the realms of Memoria and trying to regain their powers. This is after their abilities are stolen, combined into a cube, and then dispersed around the unique areas of Waford and Memoria.
As such, players can expect to encounter these Cube Fragments around the levels they explore. They can be easily identified not just by their cube shape but also by their bright green glow as they hover slightly off the ground.
Many of these cubes are found in locations that are easy to reach. However, a few Cube Fragments will often be located a little out of the way and require some light platforming.
Players can walk up to the Cube Fragments and pick them up (or use Luffy's extended arms to get them from a distance), and they will be added to the inventory. The fragments can then be equipped to a character's ability slots to make them more effective both in and out of battle.
To use Cube Fragments in One Piece Odyssey, they must be first equipped to a character. This can be done from the Skill Up menu. This menu displays the number of fragments obtained as well as the various abilities for a party member and the TP costs. Each ability will have slots for the fragments.
Only groups of three fragments can be equipped under each ability, so ensure that you have enough to invest where desired. The benefits