Fire Emblem Engage is the seventeenth and latest entry in the iconic, long-running Fire Emblem series by developer Intelligent Systems for the Nintendo Switch. This tactical role-playing game is a return to roots for the franchise, reinstating the classic gameplay from prior titles, albeit with major improvements and tweaks.
Engage features several returning gameplay mechanics, such as the Rewind, which is the focus of this article.
Note: Major gameplay spoilers for the Rewind mechanic will follow. Discretion is advised.
As revealed via a tweet from the official Japanese account of Fire Emblem, The Draconic Time Crystal will allow players to rewind turns during battle. After activating this Rewind ability, a list of all executed moves will pop up, along with the option to move back to the selected move.
This ability can be incredibly handy, enabling players to cover up prior mistakes in gameplay, such as losing a member in battle. Rewind is also incredibly handy when dealing with the permadeath mode.
The Rewind mechanic has not been shown to have a limited set of charges and is effectively unrestricted in its use. While we have no official confirmation on the matter, it can be speculated that the Rewind ability may have a limited number of uses in the retail version.
It is highly probable that the developers have simply not set a cap on the number of attempts for this showcase due to it being a tutorial.
While we lack information about the exact nature of the Rewind mechanic in Engage at the time of writing, we can make the following assumptions based on its previous implementations:
Being the latest entry in the Fire Emblem series, Engage retains all the characteristic features of its predecessors while also bringing in new