Fire Emblem Engage is the seventeenth entry in Nintendo’s long-running franchise. The tactical RPG is filled with activities, items to buy, outfits to try on, and numerous characters. Purchasing items in the game requires gold, thus, players will look to acquire it as quickly as possible.
They can do so by deviating from the main story. Completing skirmishes and paralogues, defeating gold-corrupted enemies, and collecting spirits of the fallen are some ways players can smoothen their grind for money. Possessing extra gold in your wallet will give you an edge by easing your battles.
You can keep playing the story in Fire Emblem Engage and earn gold. However, there are various weapons and accessories that you would want to have in your arsenal. The Fire Emblem series is known for its steep difficulty curve, and you must own the best weapons and items to succeed.
Skirmishes are random side battles that players can participate in. The world of Elyos is filled with such encounters. Skirmishes are marked on the map, so they are hard to miss. You can even view the type of enemies you will face in a skirmish.
This information will help you plan your battles accordingly. If you are concerned about the difficulty level, you can opt for training skirmish. Thus, if you wish to get a regular income stream, you should repeatedly participate in training skirmishes.
You can take a break from the main story and engage in some side missions. Paralogues are low-stakes side quests where you can obtain some recruitable characters. These activities are also an excellent source of gathering gold.
It is always rewarding to play a couple of main missions and then finish off some side content for a sufficient amount of gold to upgrade your arsenal.