Sea of Thieves has just embarked on its sixth limited-time narrative event, introducing this voyage with the title "A Hunter's Cry". Players can set off on the rescue mission to save Merrick from the malicious hands of the ominous Dark Brethren.
A Hunter's Cry will be available to players from August 18 - September 1, granting them just two weeks to get it done. They will be matched with random fellow sailors to take on the battle for Merrick's freedom. When trying to save the Grizzled Old Soul, they can take on additional tasks to increase their rewards.
Sea of Thieves introduces six additional objectives in the A Hunter's Cry limited-time quest. Some will be accomplished as a matter of course, but the players will have to go out of their way for a few:
Sea of Thieves offers some rewards for accomplishing these additional tasks. Players can get a unique gift if they're willing to finish A Hunter's Cry with every deed complete.
The Defender of the Damned title comes only to those who have completed every deed in this quest. Since the event is only available for two weeks, this could become a status symbol.
Sea of Thieves players will earn some additional Renown for completing the six additional deeds in A Hunter's Cry. They just have to go through the quest and be thorough to earn the new title.