The only way to win a Conflict match in Arma Reforger is by capturing the enemy HQ. You must capture bases across the map to do this, slowly advancing your reach until you can finally control the enemy’s HQ. This relies on boosting your radio coverage, but you’ve got to do more than just stand at a location for a set amount of time. This guide explains how to capture bases so that you can be a reliable soldier.
Find and interact with the radiosYou capture a base by interacting with the radio there. These all look the same and are usually somewhere obvious. In HQ buildings, they’re on the top floor, so you’ll need to enter the building after blasting through whatever resistance you encounter and then ensure that you’re safe with some backup while you hold the interact button to capture the location.
Some bases are small encampments set up in the middle of nowhere. These still have a radio that you need to interact with to capture them. However, in our time with the game, we’ve found that these smaller bases take less time to be captured than the major ones in buildings or HQs.
You should familiarize yourself with how radios are positioned in all structures early on because it will help you and your team win more matches. If you know where to go to capture a location, then you can quickly sneak in while your team distracts the enemy, capturing the base from them without them realizing. This could even allow you to spawn reinforcements to that base and wipe out any remaining enemies quickly. Regardless of how you capture bases, the act of taking them remains the same and must be incorporated into all tactics that you discuss with your team.