Spider-Man: Miles Morales, the second installment in the Marvel's Spider-Man gaming universe, and a spin-off of the first game has taken further steps in expanding the world Insomniac Games is slowly building through the confirmation that beloved Marvel character, Thor, is canon. Although the first game made steps to ensure that the Avengers, in general, existed within the world, through the inclusion of the Avengers Tower in the Upper East Side, direct confirmation of which characters are within this universe is scarce. As with Marvel's Spider-Man, Miles Morales continues to make the best use of collectibles and Easter eggs to flesh out its already surprisingly dense universe.
One of the most prominent collectibles in Miles Morales is Time Capsules, excerpts from the Miles' pre-Spider-Man days that are scattered around New York. Finding every Miles Morales Time Capsule (there are 16 spread across the city) will earn the player the Urban Explorers trophy, and unlike other collectibles in the game, these are generally quite easy to find thanks to a green marker on both the player's map and in-game HUD. The Time Capsule that is hidden in Times Square, however, features a line of dialogue that confirms the existence of the God of Thunder.
Related: Spider-Man Miles Morales Had A Daredevil Easter Egg You Probably Missed
Hidden on a billboard within the famous landmark, just under an advertisement for low-interest loans, players can find a Time Capsule that will show 3D printed molecules. The molecules themselves are not of interest here, rather what Miles will say regarding them when they are viewed. The superhero will state: "we [Phin and Miles] always wondered what stuff like Thor's hammer was made of, and invented our own
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