The Sniper Elite franchise has risen in popularity among fans, primarily due to the wholly unique elements of gameplay that it provides, within what is otherwise a saturated genre of games. The World War 2-era shooter franchise offers a much more tactical gameplay experience, with the lone-wolf sniper focus necessitating calculated movements.
Undoubtedly, one of the most engaging elements of the Sniper Elite franchise is the fascinatingly gruesome killcams that are triggered by well-placed sniper shots. Being a feature of Sniper Elite from its very first iteration, the now iconic killcam feature has only further developed and evolved with every subsequent release.
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The killcam feature has been an alluring element within Sniper Elite titles ever since its inception. Albeit in a way that now pails in comparison to more recent titles, 2005's Sniper Elite possessed its own killcam system that was still impressive for the time, and that has helped see the Sniper Elite franchise produce some of the best sniping games ever.
With Sniper Elite predictably leading very heavily towards long-ranged engagement with enemy combatants, the development studio Rebellion had to think of a way to reward players for precise shots, and thus the concept of killcams within Sniper Elite were born. As renowned Sniper Elite protagonist Karl Fairburne, players who successfully fired a headshot-bound bullet would trigger a cinematic cutscene. This would follow the bullet from the end of a player's rifle all the way to their unsuspecting victim, providing a satisfying benefit to more refined marksmanship.
The second iteration of the Sniper Elite franchise and its killcams came in the form