Since the emergence of the One-Punch Man anime in 2015, Saitama's incredible might has been the subject of conversation and comparison. «But can he beat Goku?» is a question often thrown into the mix whenever there's discussion about a powerful anime character, but that might be a misguided question in this case.
Who'd win between Saitama and Goku is definitely an interesting question; however, it may not lack a definitive answer. A better question, one that may be able to go further could be whether or not Saitama can do something Goku hasn't, and defeat Arale Norimaki, a character from Akira Toriyama's gag manga, Dr. Slump.
Why Dr. Slump Deserves as Much Recognition as Dragon Ball
Arale is an android built by the scientist Senbei Norimaki. She is energetic, naïve and completely lacks common sense. Arale is also ridiculously strong, doing things like accidentally destroying cars when running out into traffic. Arale is a near-perfect android, with her only flaw being her near-sightedness. Arale is subject to something some people have called «Toon Physics», in which things that would regularly be fatal are merely brushed off, and various impossible feats are made possible for the sake of making a joke. Her stats are insane, like being able to destroy Earth with a single punch, walk at Mach 1 speed, and various other unfathomable skills.
In Dragon Ball Super, Arale made a cameo appearance in episode 69, where she went head-to-head against Vegeta and Goku one after the other. She completely embarrassed them both, but Vegeta made a key observation: Arale operates on an entirely different set of rules – the rules of gag manga. After applying the ridiculous illogic of gag manga to his combat, Vegeta was finally able to land a