In Guerrilla Games' Horizon franchise, gamers come across several tribes, each with its own customs and unique history. The Carja tribe is one of the biggest, and it has had a significant impact on neighboring tribes. Though the tribe was once known for its ruthless warring, that era was brought to an end by Avad. Players meet Avad in Horizon Zero Dawn, where he is still on a mission to mend the relationships between the Carja tribe and its neighbors.
Though Horizon Zero Dawn does a good job of unraveling the tribe's history and Avad's role in the story, the character does feel underutilized considering how important he is. This could be mended by having a spin-off title focused solely on his rise within the tribe. With the franchise showing a willingness to release games that have protagonists other than Aloy, the chance of a spin-off centered on Avad seems more possible than ever.
After Forbidden West, a New HEPHAESTUS May Be Horizon's Best Move for Longevity
Avad is the son of Jiran the 13th Carja Sun-King. Jiran starts the Red Raids, which are a series of attacks enacted by the Carja tribe on other tribes. Foreign tribespeople are kidnaped and used in human sacrifice in hopes of ending the Derangement. Avad and his brother Kadaman do not agree with the bloodshed and conflict caused by the Red Raids, and they stand against their father. Kadaman attempts to reason with his father, but he is sacrificed as well. This convinces Avad that Jiran is beyond reason and must be eliminated if the violence is to end.
Helped by friends like Erend and Ersa, Avad forms an army to go against his father. He gains aid from Marad, who is Jiran's advisor, and the plot is successful, with Ersa landing the killing blow on Jiran. Despite