The long-awaited Halo TV series will premiere on March 24, it was announced on Sunday. The date was confirmed in a promo for the show's first big trailer, which is scheduled to be published during the NFL AFC Championship game.
The launch date can be heard at around 54 seconds into the promo video below, which includes some brief snippets of footage from the show. Check it out:
We’re just getting started. Watch the <a href=«» https:>#HaloTheSeries
Official Trailer today during halftime at the AFC Championship Game on <a href=«» https:>@CBS and <a href=«» https:>@ParamountPlus.
Pablo Schreiber plays Master Chief on the Halo TV show, with Natascha McElhone as Dr. Halsey. Jen Taylor, who voices Cortana in the video game series, will play Cortana on the show as well. The show will air on Paramount+.
In other news, Microsoft just announced that Halo Infinite set a new record for the biggest launch in franchise history, reaching 20 million players already. Xbox overall is doing great, too, having just achieved its biggest year in the 20-year history of Xbox when it comes to revenue.