Greetings, Travelers. This is the Genshin Impact dev team, and we’re proud to announce that Genshin Impact Version 4.0, As Light Rain Falls Without Reason, will arrive on Aug 16. In today’s blog, we’d like to take you to Fontaine, the upcoming fifth nation of Teyvat, where culture, art, and technology flourish under an intricate system of justice and trial.
For Travelers who have completed the Archon Quest Prologue Act III: Song of the Dragon and Freedom, a Teleport Waypoint at the northeast of the Sumeru desert will be unlocked, revealing the nation of Fontaine on the far shore atop a majestic waterfall. Ascend the waterfall, and you will see an aquabus that is ready to take you to the major locations of Fontaine as you cruise along the canals. Once aboard, you can enjoy a scenic tour guided by the special Melusine crew member. You can freely explore this area and tons of World Quests when you arrive at Fontaine, but Fontaine’s Archon Quest will only unlock if you have completed the last Archon Quest, Caribert.
Presided over by Focalors, the current Hydron Archon, and the God of Justice, Fontaine has an intricate judicial system that provides a unique power named Indemnitium for people’s daily life. For example, it is used as energy to run the aquabuses and lights in households. The Indemnitium is generated through the process of trials via the Oratrice Mecanique d’Analyse Cardinale, a machine that harvests people’s belief in justice. Therefore, trials have become important public events at the magnificent Opera Epiclese, where magic, farce, tragedy, and various performances also occur. It will also be the stage for Fontaine’s Archon Quest, where the magician duo Lyney and Lynette will put on their first show, or trial