The story of Genshin Impact revolves around the protagonist, also known as the Traveler, and the desire to reconnect with their missing sibling. In an effort to find clues about the sibling, the Traveler's allies have plastered missing persons posters across major cities such as Mondstadt and Liyue Harbor. However, some of these posters may be unhelpful since they're placed out of the reach of an ordinary Genshin Impact NPC.
As the Traveler continuously searches for their sibling, the Fatui organization and its Fatui Harbingers act as a recurring threat to the known world. The enigmatic group of Fatui Harbingers may appear friendly at certain points of Genshin Impact's main story, but many of the members have dangerous intentions. Characters such as Childe and Scaramouche directly interact with the Traveler, while others like La Signora remained hostile in nearly every encounter. Eventually, a connection between the Traveler's sibling and the Fatui is revealed, and the Traveler continues to pursue the truth of the organization and the ancient world.
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Missing person posters may be found all over the walls of buildings in Mondstadt, but some are completely out of reach by townspeople. Reddit user u/Joantheunicorn5 discovered missing persons posters high up on the walls of Genshin Impact's Mondstadt Cathedral, which is run by the Church of Favonius and protected by the Knights of Favonius. The user wonders why Amber would place posters near the top of the Mondstadt Cathedral since the townspeople won't be able to see it.
Amber represents the Knights of Favonius in Genshin Impact, and she enjoys gliding across the city of Mondstadt. As a loyal protector of