Gangplank is one of the champions in League of Legends who had a major adjustments due for quite a while now. While he was quite strong, he had major balancing issues which the developers did not know how to fix.
So, in the 12.14 PBE cycle, the developers introduced long-awaited changes to Gangplank. As it stands, his early game seems to have been nerfed quite extensively. However, after he hits level 7 or 8, he becomes much better and starts getting stronger.
Obviously, it is important to remember that these changes also take into account the healing item nerfs and rune changes that will be introduced to the game along with patch 12.14. With those two combined, it is safe to say Gangplank will now have a much higher skill-cap compared to before.
Before moving any further, it is first important to provide a list of all the changes that are being brought to Gangplank in League of Legends.
Base stats
These are quite a lot of changes that are being implemented. It is clearly understandable considering how strong Gangplank was in the game. However, the way in which these will affect his gameplay has been explained below in brief.
Gangplank is now a lot more squishy in League of Legends than what he was previously. His early game waveclear has been nerfed quite heavily, which makes him weaker than champions like Darius, Aatrox, Irelia, Camille, Jax, Gwen, and Kled.
The way his changes have been brought forth will make him lose the lane to the champions mentioned above. This is something that was needed, as previously, he could just destroy a wave of minions while also harassing his lane opponents a bit too much.
This allowed Gangplank to always be in control of the lane, regardless of the matchup he faced. As a result, it