The beloved Futurama animated TV series, which initially premiered over 20 years ago in 1999, is officially returning to Hulu. Created by Matt Groening, the series ran for four seasons on Fox, alongside fellow Groening TV series The Simpsons. After being canceled by that network, the property received four direct-to-video films, distributed as 16 new, half-hour episodes developed and aired by Comedy Central. Futurama was then revived for two additional seasons at Comedy Central, with the final season airing in 2013. In 2014, Fox also aired an official The Simpsons and Futurama crossover episode titled «Simpsorama.»
The core Futurama cast included Katey Sagal as Leela, known for popular shows like Married With Children and Sons of Anarchy. And the ever-popular robot character Bender was voiced by veteran voice actor John DiMaggio. Meanwhile, Billy West voice several major characters throughout the series, including the show's main character Fry and others such as Philip J. Fry, Professor Farnsworth, Doctor Zoidberg, and Zapp Brannigan. Throughout the series run, Futurama also earned multiple Primetime Emmy Awards for Outstanding Animated Program, and in 2009 IGN named Futurama as the eighth-best in its «Top 100 Animated TV Series» list.
Related: Futurama: Every Time The Series Was Canceled (& Why)
20th Television Animation and Hulu today officially announced the return of the decades-spanning hit series Futurama, with an order of 20 brand-new episodes for Hulu's streaming platform set to premiere in 2023. Among the cast members that are officially returning for the new Hulu series revival are stars West, Sagal, Tress MacNeille, Maurice LaMarche, Lauren Tom, David Herman, and Phil LaMarr. Craig Erwich, President of Hulu