The smash-hit anime/manga series Fire Force centers on protagonist Shinra Kusakabe, who aspires to be a hero. Before Shinra joined the Special Fire Force due to his incredible Third Generation pyrokinetic powers, he had a rough, depressing childhood. A couple of unfavorable events split the Kusakabe family apart, damaging Shinra’s personality.
Surprisingly, amidst this crisis, Shinra's father is non-existent. The brief flashbacks in the anime only showed Mari Kusakabe and her adorable son, Sho. For a major part of the series, these individuals were the only characters portrayed as Shinra’s family. This was the default narrative until chapters 231 – 234 of Fire Force manga finally revealed the circumstances behind the birth of Shinra. So, who is Shinra’s father?
Fire Force: Season Three & New Mobile Game Officially Announced
It’s not uncommon for Shonen protagonists to have a rough early life. In fact, it’s a pretty common backstory punchline in the shonen world. Regardless, Shinra’s childhood was no less traumatic and horrible than most Shonen protagonists. Growing up in a small happy home with his mother, Mari, and his infant brother, Shinra had a relatively peaceful childhood playing hero to the delight of young Sho. Even at an early age, Shinra manifested honorable traits, occasionally vowing to protect his brother from any harmful circumstances – like a typical hero. Mari Kusakabe also advised Shinra to protect other people with his strength and skills, gradually shaping Kusakabe’s mentality as a child to be a positive, honorable one.
Their happy home thrived until a fire disaster caused by an infernal later revealed to be Shinra's mom destroyed their home and ripped the Kusakabe family apart. The whole precarious