Fire Emblem Engage shows off a gameplay preview video that involves the franchise's first protagonist, Marth. Fire Emblem Engage will be arriving on the Nintendo Switch early next year. Fire Emblem Engage was first revealed in a Nintendo Direct in September, with an extensive trailer that shone a spotlight on several aspects of the game. This included its new protagonist, the plot line, and some of the members that players can recruit into their army.
One of the most engaging aspects of this new game is the usage of past heroes from the Fire Emblem series, showcasing a number of these protagonists can be equipped as rings to the player's characters. This includes Sigurd, Celica, and the main face of the franchise Marth himself. With him being a central figure in the series, as well as the game itself based on the amount of focus he has in the trailer, Intelligent Systems released a preview of how he will utilized in the game, along with the benefits he provides.
Everything in Fire Emblem: Engage's Divine Edition
As demonstrated in the first gameplay video, Fire Emblem Engage's protagonist Alear equips himself with the Marth ring, where he then become more adept at using swords. Moreover, it also raises Alear's stats, with Marth's ring providing a boost in evasion. The video also shows that while Alear is Level 4 on his own, when utilizing the Marth ring, it boosts his Level from 4 to 6. This likely means that the characters will have an individual level and a combined level.
During battle, Marth will float alongside the equipped character much like the Mirages from Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE. Marth even performs his Forward-Smash attack from the Super Smash Bros. series whenever he attacks alongside the character he's